Vision of Keynsham-Bitton cycle route revealed

DETAILS have been revealed of plans to improve the route between Keynsham and Bitton for walking, wheeling and cycling.

The proposals by South Gloucestershire District Council include new off-road sections that are four metres wide, as well as new toucan crossings, creating a better link to the Bath-to-Bristol railway path at Bitton station.

The council is currently considering the public’s feedback from an online survey that closed on March 23.

It says it wants to improve the existing sub-standard shared-use path along the A4175 Keynsham Road and to segregate the route from motor traffic.

From Keynsham, the proposed route starts from the station overflow car park.

It heads north alongside the A4175’s existing shared path, past a new toucan crossing opposite Port Avon Marina, then reaches a new off-road section on the western side that eventually rejoins the shared path.

Then a second toucan crossing gives access to another off-road section, on the eastern side, that takes people, via The Park, to a toucan crossing on the A431 Bath Road near Bitton station. This means people can avoid using the roundabout between the Keynsham Road and the Bath Road.

The scheme has been welcome by Councillor Andy Wait, chair of Keynsham Town Council.

He said: “I am part of the Bristol East Fringe Cycling and Walking Group. We have for the last 18 months kept the current sub-standard path clear of vegetation and litter to encourage cyclists to use it.

“The new proposals will dramatically improve the quality of this path, making it safer and wider in several places.
“It also has a safety crossing point leading away from the Willsbridge roundabout joining the Bitton Road close to the Bristol/Bath railway path – a considerable improvement on the existing route.”

South Gloucestershire District Council says plans are at an early stage and funding needs to be secured from the West of England Combined Authority.

It says that, subject to public support, more detailed plans will follow, with further opportunities for residents to comment.