Temple Street scheme ‘making good progress’

THE project to improve Temple Street in Keynsham is on schedule and “good progress is being made”, says the team behind the scheme.

Work came to temporary halt when a culvert was exposed during excavations but has since resumed.

A project update from Bath & North East Somerset Council states: “We want to reassure businesses, landlords and residents that pauses in onsite work due to in-ground findings are to be expected while design solutions are agreed on.”

The parking suspension remains in place across the area, and the project team will work with contractors to release parking on an ad-hoc basis as works allow.

Temporary barriers to the exit of the access lane (between the old fire station and the Riverside North flat block) remain in place as a safety measure linked to the traffic management of Temple Street. Access to the area behind the barriers is maintained and there is a turning area.

The civic centre car park, leisure centre, disabled parking and service area loading are still accessible. Arrangements have been made with local businesses for access to be provided for large delivery vehicles and “continue to remain open to future discussions”.

The Temple Street Improvement Project is part of Keynsham High Street Heritage Action Zone Programme.
The project – expected to be finished in May this year – is funded by Historic England with match funding from Bath & North East Somerset Council and Keynsham Town Council.