Road users in Keynsham are being reminded to consider extra time for their journeys with the new school year getting under way as work continues on a major sewer flood alleviation scheme in the town.
The 12-week project to install a new gravity relief sewer installed along a 170-metre stretch of the B3116 Wellsway near Keynsham Cricket Club, connecting two separate systems in a bid to reduce incidents of sewer flooding in nearby streets and homes, is progressing well towards its early October finishing date.
The £500,000 work, which started in July, was timed to ensure the majority of it coincided with the school summer holidays, keeping disruption to local people to a minimum.
With the new school year getting under way this month and traffic volumes expected to increase, Wessex Water have stepped in with extra measures to ensure road users are aware that the road remains shut to through traffic and that the diversion route in place remains clearly marked.
The diversion route, using the B3116 (Wellsway and Burnett Hill), A39, and A4 Bath Road, was agreed with Bath & North East Somerset Council (B&NES) and remains in place while the work is taking place.
A Wessex Water spokesperson said: “This important project is progressing well and we are continuing to assess its impact and the construction programme to ensure we can safely complete it as quickly as possible.
“Working with Bath & North East Somerset Council (B&NES) we’ve been continuing to monitor the impact of the road closure and use of the diversion and are installing additional signs to ensure the alternative route is clearly marked for road users to try and prevent any congestion building up on nearby local side roads.
“We have also been in contact with local councils, council members and schools, including the Wellsway School, to remind them of the closure in place and the diversion route.
“This scheme is aiming to address historical issues with flooding in the residential neighbourhood around Wellsway and we thanks the local community for their patience while it is completed and are sorry for any inconvenience caused.’’
Extra measures on Wellsway road closure diversions