POLICE are looking to increase foot patrols in Keynsham to tackle antisocial behaviour in the town.
They have met with Bath & North East Somerset Council’s inclusive communities manager to discuss concerns in the community about trouble caused by youths.
There have been numerous reports on social media from residents worried about the theft of cycles and motorbikes, teenager bullying and physical assaults.
Some have complained that young trouble-makers are “running amok”, although others have said it is just a small minority who cause these problems and that Keynsham is still a good place to live.
Sergeant Richard Higbey, of Keynsham Police, said: “We have agreed to increase our public presence by means of Come and Talk to Us events, which will be held at the library and other local facilities.
“Further, we have now identified some of our main offenders and they are being dealt with by means of ASB (antisocial behaviour) warning letters and prosecution, if applicable.
“I am also keen to develop our presence on the ground and will be looking to ensure more regular foot patrols are implemented across the town.”
Residents can report antisocial behaviour to the police by calling 101 or online through the police website at www.avonandsomerset.police.uk
If a crime is happening or someone is at risk of harm, people should call 999.
Police consider more Keynsham patrols to tackle antisocial behaviour