A CAMPAIGN has been launched to establish a pump track in Keynsham.
A pump track is a looped, undulating course with banked corners which can be used by mountain bike, BMX and scooter riders, as well as skateboarders.
t is designed to be used by riders ‘pumping’, generating momentum by up and down body movements, instead of pedalling or pushing.
Although the campaign group, called Pump Track for Keynsham, would support any “accessible and inclusive” location, it favours an area next to the skate park in Keynsham Memorial Park.
Chris Williams, a member of the group, said: “It’s a central location and the area sees very little footfall compared to the rest of the park area, so a pump track here would not impact the general leisure space available whilst still being close to related amenities. It could be tucked away to the north of the skate park so as not to take up space used for festival activities on site.”
The campaign group is made up of local residents, including mountain bikers, BMX riders, cycle commuters, and parents of “energetic little fun-seekers, who would love to increase the opportunities for active recreation in our community.”
Chris said that a recent public consultation on the future of the Memorial Park showed a need for better facilities for older children, while children’s play facilities in general were top of the priority list.
“The pump track proposals respond to both these demands due to its multi-age nature. It was also highlighted that the current skate park is too small, showing demand for this type of facility in the park.”
Among supporters of the campaign is Keynsham resident Yoshiko Flukes, whose sons Kaishu and Senshu have won national BMX championships and who use the pump track at Stockwood.
She said of the campaign for a Keynsham track: “We do hope this happens. It will be beneficial for some serious riders as well as anyone of any age who wants to start the sport. We have seen many pump tracks built in the UK in recent years and they have very positive impacts to communities.”
As well as the pump track at Stockwood, other local tracks that have inspired the Keynsham campaigners include ones at Hartcliffe and Brunel Way in Bristol, and at Temple Cloud off the A37.
Costs vary depending on the track’s size and complexity. The small track recently built at Temple Cloud is understood to have cost £60,000 plus VAT.
Chris said: “Possible sources of funding include the local councils, local sponsorship, and crowdfunding. However, we will explore sources of funding further once a better understanding of the current park plans has been gathered.”
More information about Pump Track for Keynsham (PTFK) can be found on the group’s Facebook page.
Pictured, the pump track at Stockwood
Campaign for pump track in Keynsham park