PLANS to use a house in Keynsham as a children’s care home have been approved.
The property, called Shalom, in Dragons Hill Close will be occupied by up to four aged between five and 18, supported by two members of staff.
Currently a six-bedroom house, the care home will have four bedrooms for children and a staff sleep-in room, with the other bedroom converted to a staff room. The property’s garage will be converted into an activities and meetings room.
The house also contains a kitchen, dining room, lounge, bathroom, and downstairs toilet.
The application was submitted by Premier Care Management Ltd, which provides community and outreach services.
More than 30 objections were raised by residents concerned about anti-social behaviour, noise and disturbance, as well as parking, access and highways safety. Some were also worried about the effect on house prices.
But a report from Bath & North East Somerset Council officers said the proposals would provide housing for those in need, in a sustainable location.
They said the proposed use of the property would not be out of character with the area, nor would it cause significant harm to the amenities of neighbours.
The officers felt there was no threat to highways safety, that vehicular access would be safe and said the children living there would integrate into the community, attending local schools and services.
The report said: “There is no evidence to demonstrate that the children will be anti-social, cause intimidation or result in an increase in crime.”
Officers felt that the level of noise would be comparable to that if the house was occupied by a family with children in the same age range.
Keynsham Town Council backed the application, and there were also two comments in support of the plans.
Although Councillor Andy Wait had requested that the application should be decided by members of the planning committee, the vice chair and chair determined that it should be delegated to officers for decision.
Pictured, the entrance to Shalom in Dragons Hill Close, where up to four children will stay