Five generation of girls together

FIVE generations of girls gathered when Keynsham resident Angela Hurse met her great-great-granddaughter Arabella-Rose for the first time.

Angela, aged 87, lives at Meryton Place, run by Hamberley Care Homes, on the Bath Road.

Arabella-Rose’s mother, Leilah Stevens, works at Lovell Place, Patchway, which is also run by Hamberley.

Angela’s daughter Lorraine Fox said: “Since we knew that Leilah was expecting a girl, we have been looking forward to a photo of five generations of girls, as it can be a rare occurrence.”

Angela lived all her life in Kingswood before moving to Meryton Place in July 2023. She has three children, seven grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.

Angela is pictured holding Arabella-Rose at eight days old.

On the left is Lorraine Fox, 62, of Compton Dando, Angela’s daughter and great-grandmother to Arabella-Rose.

At the back is Laura Stevens, 41 from Patchway, Angela’s granddaughter and Arabella-Rose’s grandmother.

And right is Leilah Stevens, 21, from Patchway, Angela’s great-granddaughter and Arabella-Rose’s mum.