Keynsham choir’s concert date at church

KEYNSHAM Good Afternoon Choir will present their first concert of the year at St John’s Church on Thursday March 21 at 7pm (doors open 6.30pm).

The choir, led by Grenville Jones, has more than 50 enthusiastic members who are busy preparing their programme for the concert, which will support local charities.

There are no auditions to join the choir, and members meet every Wednesday from 2pm-4pm at Keynsham Methodist Church / Victoria Centre.

The special guests for the concert will be Wellsway School Choir and the Grassy Knoll Ukulele Ensemble.

Tickets priced £10 are on sale from – they will also be available on the door.

Grenville Jones said: “It is going to be a great night of music and we are absolutely delighted to be sharing the stage with both the Wellsway School Choir and The Grassy Knoll Ukulele Ensemble.”