Cadet Lily honoured for saving man’s life

A TEENAGER used skills she learned with St John Ambulance in Keynsham to save the life of a customer in a café.

Lily, 17, who has been a cadet with the organisation for a year, was working at her part-time job in the café when she saw the man collapse. She called for help and began CPR, performing chest compressions and rescue breaths to keep the man’s blood circulating until paramedics arrived.

The customer survived and is expected to make a full recovery.

Lily has been awarded a district manager’s commendation from St John Ambulance for her bravery and skill.

Daniel, unit youth lead for Keynsham, said: “Lily’s quick response and ability to remain calm in an emergency were remarkable. Through her CPR training with St John Ambulance, she was able to take immediate action and save a life. We are extremely proud of Lily and her achievement.”

St John Ambulance cadets aged 10 to 17 learn essential first-aid and lifesaving skills through the organisation’s youth program. Cadets gain hands-on experience and build confidence by supporting St John Ambulance volunteers at community events.

The organisation has more than 1,500 youth members from aged five upwards, participating in badger and cadet programs. To learn more or enrol a child in the local badger or cadet unit, visit or email