Keynsham fire station flats plan rapped

PLANS to demolish Keynsham’s old fire station and replace it with a block of 21 flats have been criticised by the town council.

It has raised concerns about the design, lack of affordable housing, and issues with the scheme’s boundary.

The four-storey development for the over-55s would comprise 12 one-bed and nine two-bed apartments, with commercial space on the ground floor facing Temple Street.

Chewton Place Developments Ltd have lodged plans with Bath & North East Somerset Council that would include just two off-street car parking spaces, as well as 42 cycle spaces for residents.

The town council has objected to the plans, saying: “The development does not address the need for affordable housing in the centre of town. Also, the proposal does not meet the needs of a mixed development, catering for only one section of the community.”

It adds that the materials and design are “unsatisfactory” and “incongruous” with the surroundings.

The Civic Centre car park lies behind the fire station, and the town council adds: “The site plans are inaccurate with the applicant’s proposal using land in the ownership of the local authority to accommodate some of its parking.”

Several people have objected to the scheme, mainly concerned about a lack of parking spaces.

The target date for B&NES Council to reach its decision on the plans is June 10.