Join the dragon boats and help charity

The 2024 annual Rotary Dragon Boat Festival (DBF) DBF will be held on Sunday 16th June at Bristol Harbourside to raise money for Penny Brohn UK as well as other Rotary supported deserving causes in Bristol and globally, as far reaching as Nepal, South Africa, Uganda and Kenya.

The event location is at Baltic Wharf on the Bristol City Harbourside between The Cottage Inn and the Bristol Marina.

Penny Brohn UK is a Bristol based charity offering cancer health and wellbeing support. It helps people feel better in mind, body and spirit by offering everybody with cancer a choice of personalised cancer care.

We will also be joined by the One Love choir, led by the visionary artist Orgena Rose. They will be adding to the atmosphere with live performances of reggae, calypso and ska.

Bristol Breakfast Rotary Club has staged the Dragon Boat Festival for 20 years and it has raised over £830,000!.

No previous experience is necessary and the event is open to all subject to a team entry fee of £550, a minimum age of 16 and being able to swim 50 yards in light clothing.

The day provides great fun with vibrant colours as many teams race in fancy dress. There is a friendly buzz throughout the day and the atmosphere becomes electric towards the finals with friends and families encouraging their teams.

If you or your organisation would like to plan a day of team building and fun please register for more information at .