New principal for Broadlands Academy in Keynsham

BROADLANDS Academy in Keynsham has appointed a new principal for the next academic year.

Laura Stone takes over from September 1, having previously been vice principal at Ark Putney Academy in London.

Ms Stone was also a senior leader and acting principal at Ark Burlington Danes, as well as leading the Ark Teacher Training programme. She has completed an MA in Education.

Broadlands said that Ms Stone will seek to build on the school’s excellent reputation within the community and to enhance the school’s performance following its strong Ofsted inspection in 2023, when it was rated as ‘good’.

It said Ms Stone is particularly committed to engaging with families and the wider community of Keynsham as Broadlands enters its next exciting phase of development. 

Ms Stone said: “I am absolutely delighted to be appointed as the principal of Broadlands Academy. 

“I look forward to building on the current successes of the staff and students, and developing a community where academic success sits alongside sporting and creative endeavours. 

“I am excited to move back to the city where I started my teaching career and have the chance to lead the Broadlands community through the next stage of its journey.”

The school is part of the Academies Enterprise Trust (AET), whose regional education director, Karl Sampson, said:“We are delighted to appoint Laura as the new principal at Broadlands.

“Laura is a fantastic school leader with an excellent record of supporting staff and students to achieve great things. We are excited by this appointment and have every faith that under Laura’s leadership, Broadlands will continue to excel.”

Ms Stone takes over from Helen Simmons, who was appointed interim principal last September. Mrs Simmons will be staying on at Broadlands in her previous substantive role as vice principal.