‘Deep sadness’ as Keynsham Pocket Park vandalised

VANDALS have struck at the Pocket Park in Keynsham.

The damage at the peaceful green space, next to Avon Road and near the Memorial Park, was reported to the town council by a member of the public. The police have also been notified.

Plants were ripped out of all the planters and troughs and strewn around about the park. Signs giving information about the park were smashed up.

A similar incident happened three years ago, when signs were broken and plants damaged.

Some of the damage was initially tidied up by Dawn Drury, secretary of Keynsham in Bloom, who said: “This vandalism has deeply saddened the family of Denise James, former Chair of In Bloom, to who this park is dedicated.”

But she added: “In Bloom will not be deterred by this mindless act of vandalism but will be continuing to improve our Pocket Park ready for judging in the South West In Bloom competition on Friday 19th July.”

Keynsham in Bloom volunteers, who regularly tend the park, have also been working to repair the damage. New signs will be bought in due course.

Dawn thanked those who have joined the Keynsham in Bloom Facebook group since it posted about the vandalism, prompting residents to offer donated plants

Pictured above, one of the signs that was damaged.  Below, the Pocket Park before the vandalism