TAYLOR Wimpey has submitted a revised plan to build homes on a field beside a Keynsham nature reserve.
The developer was granted outline planning permission in 2022 for 70 homes for the site, bordered by Minsmere Road, the Manor Road Community Woodland and the Hygge Park estate.
But its detailed scheme was refused by Bath & North East Somerset Council in May this year.
The council cited concerns about the design, layout, drainage, walking and cycling facilities, and insufficient information to show the site could achieve a 10% biodiversity net gain.
The revised plans are for 67 homes, with associated roads, footways, parking, landscaping and open space.
The homes would range from one-bedroom flats to five-bedroom houses.
Taylor Wimpey says its application for the eight-acre site has been developed through further engagement with council officers.
Pedestrian and cycle connectivity have been prioritised over cars by designing the streets to be low speed. Links to the wider infrastructure and public rights of way have also been prioritised.
Taylor Wimpey says the site can be safely developed without flood risk and without increasing flood risk elsewhere through the use of an appropriately designed and maintained sustainable drainage system.
It says it is committed to securing 10% biodiversity net gain. Despite additional measures on the site, most of this net gain would be achieved by making improvements on land adjacent to the River Avon at Somerdale.
Taylor Wimpey says its proposals have been tailored to the most recent amendments to building regulations and that each home will be constructed to “robust” standards of energy efficiency.
It adds: “There are no adverse impacts arising from the proposals that would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefit’s this development will deliver.”
B&NES Council’s target date for a decision is September 27.
Revised homes plans near Keynsham nature reserve