PLANS have been submitted to knock down a block of maisonettes in Tintagel Close, Keynsham, and replace them with 45 new homes.
Housing association Curo says the current 44 properties – centred around a communal courtyard – are no longer fit for purpose, and all the previous tenants have been rehoused.
Its planning application to Bath & North East Somerset Council follows a long period of consultation with residents.
The empty properties, which are in poor condition and continue to deteriorate, have been subjected to anti-social behaviour and vandalism.
Curo says that, although planning policy dictates that 30% of new properties should be affordable, access to Homes England grant funding will allow the entire Tintagel Close proposal to be delivered and managed as affordable housing.
But accessing such funding will rest on a range of conditions, including a start on site being made by the end of March 2025.
The new properties would comprise 22 flats, 10 two-bed houses, 10 three-bed houses and three four-bed houses. Of these, 34 would be for social rent and 11 for shared ownership. Four are designed to be wheelchair adaptable.
If the new homes are approved, says Curo, they will contribute towards meeting the needs of the 690 applicants on the housing register with a first preference for properties within Keynsham.
A Curo spokesperson said: “We’ve had the pleasure of working closely with Keynsham community since 2022, and we’re really excited to bring forward these proposals for redevelopment.
“The proposals aim to deliver much-needed, energy efficient, affordable homes while also enhancing the wider area with significant landscaping improvements and more accessible open spaces.
“This redevelopment is all about building a modern, sustainable neighbourhood that meets local needs, enhances the area, and provides affordable housing for years to come.”
People can comment on the proposals until December 19, with a decision from B&NES Council expected in February. The reference is 24/04238/FUL.
Above, how the new homes would transform Tintagel Close. Below, how the complex looks now