ALMOST 5,000 trips have been taken on the new K1 bus service in Keynsham during its first three months of operation.
The service, which runs from Linnet Way in the south of the town to the Chocolate Quarter in the north, is one of a number of WESTlocal services created with funding from the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority.
Keynsham Town Council was behind the bid for funding to provide a community bus.
Following a survey of local residents, the council planned a route to allow travel within Keynsham, provide a link to onward journeys on bus and rail, and to serve the needs of Wellsway and Chandag School pupils.
Passenger numbers have been increasing by the month. There was a 300% rise in the trips taken from month one to two, followed by another 20% increase in month three.
Dan Norris, the Mayor of the West of England, said: “It’s fantastic that so many local people are giving the K1 a try.
“WESTlocal is a new type of bus service – designed by local people to meet the needs of their community – and I’m delighted my mayoral combined authority have been able to fund it.
“My message to residents of Keynsham is: continue to support your local bus service. The more people who use it, the more chance it has of being able to continue after March 2026”.
To see full details of the route, including a map and timetable, visit
Pictured below, Keynsham town councillors Martin Burton (on the left) and Dave Biddleston with a group of local mothers at the launch of the new K1 bus service in September Photo: Enzo Xenakis-Serra