A4 in Saltford set for summer road repairs

THE A4 from near the Uplands Road junction in Saltford to The Globe roundabout is scheduled for major resurfacing and reconstruction this summer.

A total of 19,630 square metres of road surface will be improved by Bath & North East Somerset Council at a cost of £755,000.

Surface dressing is also planned for the A39 Wells Road between Corston and the Two-Headed Man junction.
Saltford ward will have the most highway repair and reconstruction of any ward in the B&NES area.

In addition, a central pedestrian refuge on Bath Road (hill) in Saltford is to be installed at a cost of £35,000 to facilitate safer crossings to the bus stops near The Glen and The Shallows junctions.

The list is completed with 20mph speed limits being introduced in the rural sections (lanes) of Manor Road and Courtenay Road between Saltford and Keynsham.

Councillor Duncan Hounsell said: “I am pleased with the amount of investment in our infrastructure. I am especially pleased that the new central refuge will be installed on Bath Road (hill) at the eastern end of the village.

“I have been making the case that this needed to be done.

“The busy A4 and selfish pavement parking have made this part of Saltford dangerous for pedestrians.”

Pictured above, a section of the A4 Bath Road through Saltford is set for repair and reconstruction. Below, Councillor Duncan Hounsell on Bath Road (hill) where a central pedestrian refuge is to be installed