Keynsham rugby girls make history

THE first girls ever to don the black and yellow strip of Keynsham Rugby Club made history in February.

Established in 2023 and after months of training, the under 12s and under 14s were ready to play their first ever game of girls rugby.

A fantastic home fixture against Imperial Girls Rugby was played in the true spirit of the game, with fun at its heart.

This being the first of many fixtures in the diary, there was plenty to take away and lots to cheer, as many of the girls in both matches ran in numerous tries for Keynsham.

Some awesome raw talent was on display, and the crowd were impressed with the standard of the girls considering their lack of playing experience.

The future is bright and the potential is exciting, so watch this space as they develop over the coming seasons.

The junior girls section is always looking for new players, Year 6 upwards, as they grow and evolve.

They train Thursday evenings 6.30pm-7.30pm at Keynsham Rugby Club. Please get in touch via Facebook/Instagram/website or simply turn up to train. Alternatively, call Fiona on 07957 738879.